Friday, August 18, 2006

Woo hoo! The prodigal daughter is finally back on American soil.

Unfortunately, someone in the baggage department in London removed several books from her luggage and she's up in Boston right now, before the final leg of her journey home, fuming over their loss (one was a textbook that cost more than $100), as anyone who'd purchased 35 new books over the summer would be.

But she's back, safe, and we've already located the necessary complaint form on line.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. It's for things like the book theft I resent not being able to lock luggage anymore. I hope she's able to be reimbursed for the loss.

    On a totally unrelated note, I bought a Be Good Tanyas CD yesterday because of you and I absolutely love it!

  2. Which one did you get????

  3. I got the only one they had which was Blue Horse, though the woman who helped me find it said she thought the one with the sunflowers on it (whichever one that is) was better. I will definitely be on the lookout for it and all the others :)

  4. That's Chinatown, the one I have. I need to get Blue Horse.

  5. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I can't believe that! I hope she's able to get reimbursed for the books.

  6. I've heard she's likely to get only half of what she requested. And weeks from now on top of that. :(


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