Wednesday, August 16, 2006

New books!

This month it's all about the stockpiling.

I now own all of Rebecca West's novels. Ella, who is purging her collection before a move overseas, sent me West's autobiographical trilogy: The Fountain Overflows, This Real Night,
and Cousin Rosamund. Thank you kindly, Ella!

I ordered The Birds Fall Down, West's political thriller, from Amazon in the UK since it's out of print here; keeping it company in its package was Margaret Drabble's latest, The Sea Lady. I've since learned that West did not care for Drabble at all--that may very well explain why the box was on the verge of breaking apart when I received it. Henceforth I shall take care to keep these books separated.

And I finally received The Harsh Voice, West's collection of novellas, which evidently went astray on other adventures before its delayed arrival here.

Also new: Peter Boxall's 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die, which I decided I had to own; Laurence Sterne's A Sentimental Journey; and a 99 cent copy of Clair Huffaker's The Cowboy and the Cossack.

Since the photo op above I've received Carl Rollyson's Rebecca West and the God that Failed, a book of essays written after Rollyson had completed his biography on West; and Christina Stead's The Man Who Loved Children, which I read years ago and want to return to.

Still on order: Christina Stead's Letty Fox; Nick Hornby's Housekeeping vs. the Dirt; and for S., since he enjoyed Catch-22 so much, a copy of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Fall releases I've placed on hold at the public library:

Kate Atkinson's One Good Turn

Francine Prose's Reading Like a Writer

Susanna Clarke's The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories

Alice Munro's View from Castle Rock

Charles Frazier's Thirteen Moons

Margaret Atwood's Moral Disorder

Richard Power's The Echo Maker


  1. What a fabulous list! I had no idea The Fountain Overflows was part of an autobiographical trilogy. I simply must read the following two books then.

  2. Dorothy, I actually have two copies of Cousin Rosamund. Want me to send you one?

  3. Can't wait for the Atkinson book!

  4. The Atkinson is the one I'm most excited about. I'll probably break down and buy it and the Frazier--have to support North Carolina's fine crop of writers--when I get another gift voucher.

  5. Well, now I have to find Rebecca West books! I am looking forward to Atkinson and Prose...what a list!

  6. How fun to get new books in the mail! And the upcoming Prose book looks interesting.

  7. Anonymous9:09 PM

    I love seeing other people's book purchases. I am feeling the need lately to order from Amazon in the UK, too. I always have to decide what to buy very, very carefully,though--nasty postage costs! I didn't realize that West was so prolific--you are really making your way through her work! I am looking forward to the Atkinson book, too. I liked Cold Mountain, but can't decide about his new book. At least I will check it out from the library!

  8. Can't wait for the Powers! I've been assiduously covering my ears and eyes when I come across notes about it. I've had no luck at all finding a proof copy.

  9. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Yeah - a new Margaret Atwood novel to look forward to.

  10. I couldn't control myself...I had to go and pre-order the limited edition copy of Susanna Clarke's new book directly from Bloomsbury as soon as I heard about it. Can't wait to read it!

  11. Why Susan -- thanks! If you wouldn't mind, I'd love to have a copy! I'll send you an email.

  12. Loved this list, & went immediately to my library's site to reserve some!

  13. Have you discovered The Book Depository if you are ordering from the UK? They are doing free postage worldwide and the books are arriving very quickly I hear from friends across the world.
    Margaret Drabble I have lined up and can't wait to read once this Booker-thon madness is done and dusted, but then why isn't she on the longlist?

  14. No, I had never heard of them before. Thanks for the link. I'll definitely be upping my UK purchases if I don't have to pay for shipping.

    Drabble doesn't seem to get near the attention that she used to get--it seems as Byatt's star rose, Drabble's fell.


Happy MLK Jr. Day!

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