Thursday, September 28, 2006

Oh, show some spine!

Some spines are as just as cool as their covers.


  1. Great title for this post and lovely spines, indeed. I still have all the notes I made when reading Sophie's World (a personal indulgence because philosopy is difficult for me), funny to see a different spine on this one.

  2. Anonymous11:59 AM

    What a cool pic :)

  3. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Those are quite nice. And I keep seeing that Francine Prose book showing up on everyone's reading pile these days!

  4. Pretty picture. What's the book with the monkey on it? I can't quite read the title.

  5. Red Earth and Pouring Rain by Vikram Chandra. I love, love, love the monkey in the book.

  6. I love that picture, and the idea of admiring a book's spine for a change.

  7. Wow. These are cool. I will look over my shelves with a new eye, though I suspect hardbacks have more room for actual images, and I have paperbacks almost exclusively. We'll see.

  8. I really appreciate when book producers take the time to put out a well crafted product. Great spines, I especially like Sophie's World.

  9. Hi...very neat idea. :)

    I blog-leaped over here through Amelia and have enjoyed your blog. Would you mind if I added you to my links?

  10. Hi Joy! Adding me would be fine--thanks!

  11. What a lovely idea for a post. I have Sophie's World somewhere in my stacks. Thanks for the reminder to dig it out for a read! I may have to copy your idea someday for one of my blog entries. :)


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