Sunday, June 29, 2008

Read-a-thon Update the Sixth


A shower. Breakfast. I started the new David Sedaris, which I'd rather not read all in one fell swoop, so I then turned to a deliciously weird story by Jane Bowles.

Sixth reading update

From David Sedaris's When You are Engulfed in Flames:
"It's Catching"
"Keeping Up"
"The Understudy"
"This Old House"
"Buddy, Can You Spare a Tie?" 62 pages

From My Sister's Hand in Mine: The Collected Works of Jane Bowles:
"Camp Cataract" 42 pages


  1. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Taking a shower was a great idea! I hope you feel better and refreshed now! Keep on reading! You're almost at the finish line!

  2. We're in the home stretch!! *happy dance*

  3. Not much longer to go!

  4. NOt that I had any clue how this would go - but I'm having fun! Hope you are, too! almost there...

  5. Sedaris' essays are like potato chips for me. One calls for another until everything's done.


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