Take a look at the books that have come into the house over the last month.
(Ellie, please move; people want to see the books.
Thank you.)
Ecce libri!
On top of the stack is Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar. . .: Understand Philosophy Through Jokes by Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein. A review book that my son has only recently relinquished from his grasp.
Recommended to me by Fay in comments a couple weeks back: I to Myself: An Annotated Selection from the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau.
Another review copy, Waiting to Surface by Emily Listfield, has already received a thumbs up from MFS and a thumbs down from JenClair.
I placed The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman on my wishlist after Danielle mentioned its publication; I ordered it soon after JenClair reviewed it.
M.J. Rose is a long-time Readervillan and I've intended to read one of her novels for quite some time; I was happy to be offered a review copy of her latest, Reincarnation.
Two more review books, February Flowers by Fan Wu and The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield, showed up in my mailbox this month.
Was it Dorothy who first mentioned Anton Chekhov's A Life in Letters? It's been on my wishlist for a good while and I just can't remember. I ordered it for Sharon's Russian Challenge along with Tatyana Tolstaya's White Walls, a story collection on several readers's tbr lists.
All In Together Girls is Kate's second story collection and I'm happy to have an autographed copy.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera is one of my friend C.'s favorite books, and one recommend to me in comments not long ago.
Everything Will Be All Right by Tessa Hadley. Hmm, I don't think anyone recommended this one. I just like Hadley is all.
St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves by Karen Russell. I read a short story by Russell back in 2005, then John whetted my interest with interview quotes from Russell last year. Don't know how I managed to wait till it came out in paperback. . .
Has anyone blogged about Best American Short Stories 2007 yet? It's been touted on Readerville recently.
As soon as Stefanie started writing about Why We Read What We Read I knew I'd have to get a copy.
One of Ella's favorite books of all time is e.e. cumming's The Enormous Room.
I added Anne Enright's The Gathering to my wishlist a few months back; Victoria's review made it a top priority. It showed up in the mail a couple days before it won the Booker.
My friend W. sent Philip Roth's Everyman to me for my birthday.
Zhoen mentioned Jan DeBlica's Wind: How the Flow of Air Has Shaped Live, Myth and the Land in comments earlier in the month. The Outer Banks? Immediate purchase!
I've been interested in the gnostics since reading Elaine Pagels several years back; I ordered The Jesus Mysteries straight away after reading Quillhill's review.
And these are just the people who've influenced me in the past month! I love the book blogging community and appreciate you one and all--even if I still do most of my commmenting inside my head. Long may we read and continue to write about our bookish experiences!
And that's as mushy as I'm going to get.
(And how odd--pooterish and odd. I posted this at 7:37, the time of my birth.)
Happy Third! And here's to many more blogging years!
ReplyDeleteAnd just when I'm trying to be good and not acquire more books, you list so many great possibilities. I face such an uphill battle...
Have a great day!
Happy third, Susan!
ReplyDeleteYou know, we're all looking at a Leonard Bast-kind of demise if we don't mend our ways. . . but what a way to go!
Hooray for pootering, books and blogniversaries. May your blog be updated for many more years. :)
ReplyDelete(May I say that I found the large picture of your books very satisfying.)
Happy 3rd! I love your "literate kitten!"
ReplyDeleteHappy blogiversary! I really enjoyed the Thirteenth Tale. And, the Unbearable Lightness of Being? Good book, but loved the movie--a young, sexy Daniel Day Lewis? Mmmmm....
Hey -- congrats! I'm so glad you're blogging ...
ReplyDeleteHappy Blog Birthday! Here's to many more!
ReplyDeleteHappy third! Our blogs are almost the same age.
ReplyDeleteI've been hearing about the "philosophy through jokes" book and it sounds interesting. Along with my normal book habit, I also have a side hobby of buying books on philosophy and reading half of each one. I might finish that one.
Happy Blogiversary!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful way to celebrate your blogversar! I loved the photos, with kitty and without...a wonderful stack of books as well.
ReplyDeleteCongrats. I just celebrated my 3rd blogiversary too. Cute kitty. Great books. Life is good.
ReplyDeleteHappy anniversary! You were one of the first book bloggers that I came across and probably one of the first to comment on my blog! :) I finally have the Ackerman book from the library. If I don't start it soon I will have to get back in line and the line is long...I also have Kate's book at home that I suggested my library buy (so I could check out right away...). Not sure when I'm supposed to fit these in with everything else.
ReplyDeleteHappy blogiversary! I hope there are many more to come. I've lost count of how many books I've added to my TBR pile because of you, not to mention the reading of DQ with you and Sandra. I have to go clean up the drool now after looking at the lovely books :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogiversary!That's quite an impressive list of books you have there!