Monday, May 21, 2007

Summer Reading Challenge

I like to assemble a summer reading list in late May, so I was gratified this morning to see that Amanda has already set up a blog for the second annual Summer Reading Challenge.

I put 21 books on last summer's list and after finishing Galapagos late last month, that list of unread books had been whittled down to eight. This year I'm listing a mere 15; if I get through more than that, then yay for me, but it's going to be a busy summer and I might as well be both practical and leave room for sudden whims.

My Southern Reading Challenge selections

The Unvanquished. William Faulkner

A Good Man is Hard to Find. Flannery O'Connor

Other Voices, Other Rooms. Truman Capote

My remaining Once Upon a Time Challenge selections

A Midsummer Night's Dream. William Shakespeare

The Ladies of Grace Adieu. Susanna Clarke

My Rebecca West Project next selection

The Thinking Reed


Candide. Voltaire

Robinson Crusoe. Daniel Defoe

Tristram Shandy. Laurence Sterne

Buddenbrooks. Thomas Mann

New Fiction

The Pesthouse. Jim Crace

The Beautiful Miscellaneous. Dominic Smith

The Maytrees. Annie Dillard

New Non Fiction

The Assault on Reason. Al Gore

And one of the remaining eight from last summer's list

A Dead Language. Peter Rushforth


  1. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Nice list! Good luck. I'm hoping to get to Tristram Shandy this year.

  2. I agree with Stefanie, good choices.

  3. Ooh, all those 18C choices! You and Stefanie both reading Tristram Shandy would be wonderful.

  4. Should I start with Tristram Shandy first, Dorothy, or go with Buddenbrooks?

  5. You always come up with such interesting books. Isn't great that we can overlap our challenges? I don't know if I'll be able to join this one or not. I have a month long driving trip in July with newly retired husband. We will be listening to some books on the drive so maybe. . .

  6. You should get a prize for being the only participant to pick a Faulkner! I'm so thankful Amanda is doing this. I loved last summer's challenge! ;)

  7. I seem to have abandoned my Bronte challenge and the novels seem to reproach me from the B section of the shelf, but I think I'll join you in reading Robinson Crusoe. I bought a copy that I like a couple of years ago so I'm ready. Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. I have to admit I'm impressed by your list. I don't think I can manage all these between June to August. It's a great list, it definitely offers challenge. Good luck on your summer reading. Have fun.

    Annie Dillard has a new fiction book out? How did that piece of news escape me? Thanks!

  9. Well, it's just five books a month. I know a few of them are a bit long, but if I don't get distracted by other books I should be able to get through most of them (I hope).

    I'm very glad challenges can overlap, Booklogged. And Bybee, glad to hear you'll be reading Robinson Crusoe. I meant to read it last fall with Danielle, but I put if off, obviously.


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