Otherwise, I'll be reading from the stack below in September:
On top is Carlo Emilio Gagga's That Awful Mess on the Via Merulana, a "sublimely different detective story" according to the back cover of my NYRB Classics edition, that I'll be reading for the R.I.P. Challenge. Fascist Italy, destiny, philosophy and a foreward by Italo Calvino--I'm very much looking forward to starting this one.
There's no excuse for letting Wallace Stegner's Angle of Repose languish for so long on the shelf; it's off now and won't go back on until I've finished it.
I never thought I'd find D.H. Lawrence the least bit appealing. But I've read 400 pages of Sons and Lovers so far this weekend--my first Outmoded Authors Challenge selection--and I have to say I wish I'd given him a chance years ago. With any luck, I'll finish this one before the holiday's over.
I'll be reading a second selection for the R.I.P. Challenge, Joseph Conrad's "The Shadow Line." I wonder if I'll be the only one reading a tale of a haunted ship?
Accompanying me to the primary on Sept. 11 and and my flight to Utah will be the anthology Feeling Very Strange.
Andrei Makine's The Woman Who Waited will be discussed by the Slaves of Golconda on Sept. 30.
And I hope to find time for Margaret Drabble's The Sea Lady, Richard Russo's Bridge of Sighs and Andromeda Romano-Lax's The Spanish Bow.
Unfortunately, I don't think I'll get a chance to read that Makine book. My uni library has apparently never heard of him and there were holds on the single copy available at the local public. There must be a few SoCers in my town! (or something)
ReplyDeleteI have that Gagga book, so it will be nice to read what you have to say about that...and I hear you about books being carried over for months to come. Boy, do I have a few of those.
I'm noticing more and more bloggers who post a picture of their planned reading for the next month. I have to admit that's a whole new concept for me and I wonder if I should try it. Generally, I can't plan even four weeks ahead with a reading list and usually don't even try to look forward more than a book or two. Some books seem to get read almost as soon as they hit the door, while others stay on the shelf for years.
ReplyDeleteYou seem to have a lot more control over your reading plans than I could ever hope to have. I'm impressed. :-)
Well, Imani, I think it's a shame that you can't get hold of a copy. It does make me wonder if there aren't people reading along with the Slaves if there's still a line of holds on the book a year or so after it's been published.
ReplyDeleteSam, I've done a much better job sticking to short-term reading plans this year than I ever have before and I think that can mainly be attributed to cutting back on the books I get from the public library. I don't have as many books with due dates nosing their way to the front of the line any more.
I'm carrying over Bridge of Sighs for this month. I would have liked to finish it in August, but hope to finish today or tomorrow. This may be my favorite book all year. I loved the Spanish Bow, too, but Bridge of Sighs is in a class by itself.
ReplyDeleteAnd...I'm still reading Flannery's letters! Have you finished yet?
No, I haven't. My long-term reads usually turn into low-priority reads no matter how wonderful they are.
ReplyDeleteBut that's great news about the Russo. I've been trying to get my husband to read it--he's a Russo fan--but alas, this year's he's determined to remain in the 1 out of 4 column. I suppose it's more in the Empire Falls tradition than like Straight Man? (Straight Man is the funniest book I've ever read.)
I really wish I could break myself of the new books from the library problem I seem to have. Lately, though, all they seem to do is sit there until they are due back anyway. I plan on reading Lawrence's The Rainbow this month. I'm glad you like him so far.
ReplyDeleteI love, love, love Angle of Repose. Hope you do, too!
ReplyDeleteI read a few pages an hour or so ago, Gentle Reader, and I immediately fell in love with the narrator's voice. Think I will really enjoy the book.
ReplyDeleteDanielle, I'll be interested in your take on The Rainbow. I'm trying to decide if I want to read that and Women in Love now or if I'd be better off spreading Lawrence out. I will be reading Lady Chatterly's lover before the Challenge is over--I read the first paragraph earlier this evening and it was sooo my cup of tea.
I'm really looking forward to reading DH Lawrence. I have Women in Love lined up for after The Rainbow, and I'd like to read Lady Chatterly's Lover as well. That is a lot of Lawrence, isn't it! Maybe I'll start tonight, I'm anxious to get going.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to be the meanie, but I HATED Angle of Repose. Loved the title, but really disliked the book. I'll be interested to read what you think.
ReplyDeleteDid you know that Stegner taught writing to Larry McMurtry? Lonesome Dove has been on my TBR shelf for over a decade.
No, I didn't know that. I think McMurtry's kind of dicey, my dad and I either loved his books or couldn't get through them, but Lonesome Dove is just incredible.
ReplyDeleteHave you read anything else by Stegner, K? I usually like him, so I'm hoping for the best with this one.
Danielle, you'll have to let me know if Lawrence still sounds like Thomas Hardy in The Rainbow (he didn't in the opening paragraph of Lady Chatterley). He sure reminded me of Hardy in Sons and Lovers.
What a lovely stack of books and an ambitious plan! And I like your header. Is it in anticipation of your trip?
ReplyDeleteLet me just add my plug for Angle of Repose. I'm about 100 or so pages from being done and have loved it so far! In fact, it's calling to me right now, to get off the computer and come read!
ReplyDeleteI hope you find time for The Spanish Bow. I am about 120 pages in, and it is simply gorgeous.