Sunday, January 10, 2010

Last books of 2009

The Discomfort Zone. Jonathan Franzen. Last book purchase of 2009. I thought I'd make it out of the bookstore without buying a thing but found I couldn't resist this one's $2 price.

Call It Sleep. Henry Roth. I bought this at the Strand back in November for my daughter. An English professor recommended it to me over the summer, and since he'd compared it to The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, I knew it would be one she'd enjoy. She read it in Nepal.

The Wine-Dark Sea. Patrick O'Brian. Christmas present. I wonder if I'll finish the series this year?

The English Stories. Cynthia Flood. Collection of linked stories. Christmas present. Because of Kerry at Pickle Me This.

The Book of Fathers. Miklos Vamos. Review copy.


  1. Call It Sleep is one of my favorite books. I've read it five or six times!

  2. That's good to know! My daughter thought it was a totally inappropriate book to be reading on a hiking trip, but she liked it.

  3. I read Call It Sleep twice. The thing about it is that you need to put its literary achievement into the context of the era in which it was written. It may not seem so outre and innovative now as it was when it came out. But definitely still worth reading, I think.

  4. I let Call It Sleep slip through my fingers back in 2007. Haven't seen it since. Gnash, grind...


Happy MLK Jr. Day!

This morning I took our senior cat Charlie to the vet for his monthly arthritis shot. L. ordered an induction range (on sale!) for our retir...