Sunday, February 18, 2007

New books

I made a quick run to the used bookstore this afternoon, then realized it'd been a month since I'd last documented my recent purchases. So, without further ado, from top to bottom:

The Violent Bear It Away. Flannery O'Connor (Because of a recent NYT article about O'Connor's home)

Three Men in a Boat. Jerome K. Jerome (I've looked for this one in the used bookstore for a couple years now; today there were two copies. Stefanie justed posted about this one.)

The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft. Claire Tomalin (Sandra read this one last year. It was in the "Recent Additions" section of the used bookstore today.)

The Big Rock Candy Mountain. Wallace Stegner (Because I realized I owned the sequel to this one.)

Brideshead Revisited. Evelyn Waugh (Because I should have read it years ago.)

So Long, See You Tomorrow. William Maxwell (A recent discussion book at Readerville.)

The Sacred and Profane Love Machine. Iris Murdoch (Because I love Murdoch.)

The Top Ten: Writers Pick Their Favorite Books. J. Peder Zane (Because I love book lists.)

Collected Poems. John Fuller (I read Fuller's Ghosts late last year and really enjoyed it.)

The Human Touch. Michael Frayn (Because I want to have my mind stretched.)

Home Ground. Barry Lopez and Debra Gwartney, editors. (Landscape terms defined by the likes of Charles Frazier and Antonya Nelson. How could I resist?)


  1. Hi, I just wanted to comment that I love your photographic evidence of books bought.

  2. Hi Lisa, thanks. My husband read an article yesterday about people who use blogging about their spending as a means of keeping down their debt. I told him book bloggers don't do that at all.

  3. Hi! A couple of months ago I was buzzing around Amazon and ran across THREE MEN IN A BOAT! I can't believe you just mentioned it. I'll have to check out what Stefanie has to say about it. I look forward to your review.

  4. I read Connie Willis' take on Jerome's novel (To Say Nothing of the Dog) years ago, but now I really need to go back and read Three Men in a Boat!

    Great haul!

  5. To Say Nothing About the Dog is the way I learned about Three Men. I laughed so hard over that book that my boss threatened to take it away from me (yes, I have a read at work problem).

  6. Anonymous4:18 PM

    What a lovely stack of books! Glad you found Three Men in a Boat. I've got the Frayn book and am looking forward to reading it. For some reason I think I can't start it until I finish Fabric of the Cosmos. Only one mind-bending book allowed at a time :)

  7. I just read a review of the Frayn book; I had no idea he was a philosopher as well as a novelist and playwright. It sounds quite interesting.

  8. Another interesting tidbit about Frayn: he's married to Claire Tomalin.

  9. You are right about "Home Ground." It is interesting. Do share your thoughts on it.

    I'm tempted to go find a copy myself to take a look.

  10. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Frayn is married to Claire Tomalin? I had no idea. Dinnertime conversations at their house must be really interesting!

  11. Anonymous4:23 PM

    It's good to see so many people have discovered Three Men. . .I received it from Time Life Books when I belonged to it when I was in college. I too laughed myself silly and loaned it to everyone I knew - the last one of whom kept it with my blessing to use with her high school English lit class. I really must find another copy.

  12. There's something about a picture of a stack of new books that always puts a smile on my face. Thanks for sharing...

  13. Anonymous10:31 PM

    I envy your new Murdoch. I looked for it at several used bookstores and haven't found it yet. The Sea, The Sea is great, and On the Net is next, only because I have it.
    A great photo of impending joy!

  14. DO-I'll put a couple photos and definitions into a post so you'll have a better idea of what it's like.

    Stefanie--you'd think they'd have to be!

    Pamela--I had no idea Time Life books did anything but nonfiction. Huh.

    Sam Houston--how have I managed to miss your blog before now??? Any new singer/songwriters I should know about?

    Brad--I stumbled upon this Murdoch in Borders and thought it must be a brand new edition, but it isn't. I haven't had a lot of luck finding her books in used stores around here--The Good Apprentice is all I've chanced upon there.

  15. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I think I buy more books now since I started blogging than before! I started the Claire Tomalin Mary W bio, but I still need to finish it.

  16. "Sam Houston--how have I managed to miss your blog before now??? Any new singer/songwriters I should know about?"

    sfp, I have a whole other life involving real country music and everything associated with it. I see that you're interested (and love) many of the singers that I'm into, so you might want to check out a couple of other sites that me and a partner created together a little over three years ago.

    The first is an internet radio station that we run together:

    and the second is a discussion forum that we run in conjunction with the stations:

    Feel free to drop by anytime you're in the mood or just listen to the stations for some real country music.

    BTW, thanks for asking. Let me know if you want to trade some names...

  17. Anonymous10:52 PM

    You'll love "Brideshead Revisited", I think - one of my favorites. Where do you find all these treasures?


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