Saturday, January 20, 2007

Proof. . .

that, for me, the Read From the Stacks Challenge is officially over.

I originally signed up thinking that it would be a good way to keep my focus on the books at hand, not the books I'd yet to acquire. And it worked well in November and December, but since the beginning of the year, my stockpiling urges have been impossible to keep under control.

Which to start first? (After I finish The Street of Crocodiles and "Ward No. Six," of course.) They all still have that I'm specialer than the others look about them. . .


  1. Anonymous10:29 PM

    I love seeing stacks of books like this! It makes me feel so much better about my own bad habits. They all do have that look about them (Read ME First), don't they?! I want to read Daniel Deronda and East of Eden, too! I have to look up the unknown titles now! I have already given up on the from the stacks challenge--my reading lately has not been as planned. But oh well.

  2. What a nice pile! I bailed on the challenge too -- I made it through 4 our of 5, but other books were calling to me, and I just couldn't get to the 5th one.

  3. This is going to sound weird, but I covet those love gold-bound Modern Library books! They are very hard to come by here in the UK.

  4. Maybe they'll start showing up in the second hand shops, Kimbofo. I love everything about them. I wish I could afford to replace all my old ratty mass markets with the Modern Library series.

    Danielle and Dorothy--you two bailing out gave me inspiration. My reading does go much better if I can read whatever I want whenever I feel like it.

  5. Another bailer here. I just can't stick to any kind of plan at all.

    I have that exact same East of Eden, have had it for years, and really want to read it but it's one I plan to keep forever and I'm currently trying to burn through a lot of Bookmooch acquisitions and get them back into circulation so I'll likely not get to it soon. Sigh...

  6. Far From the Madding Crowd

  7. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Yep, it looks like I won't be completing my challenge either. I did try but I have the hardest time sticking to any kind of reading plan. Love your book stacks.

  8. I am terrible with any sort of formal reading plan. I tend to resent the list and end up wanting to read *anything* other than the books on it.

    I do tend to keep a few in mind to read in the coming months. East of Eden is one of them


  9. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I don't think I will finish my challenge either but four out of five isn't all that bad. I see you got the new Jimmy Carter book. I really want to read it and so do lots of other people here. I'm on the waiting list at my library for it. I started at 40-something and now I think I'm down to 20-something on the list.

  10. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Ochle...what a lovely pile! :-) I want them all!

  11. The Hardy biography is the one that I covet the most from that fabulous stack. I must get myself a copy...

  12. Read Far From The Madding Crowd- it's thrilling and has (for Hardy) a happy ending :)

  13. I like the look of the Modern Library editions...that coppery color is so nice. I'm reading one of them right now...Agnes Grey.

    Great pile. Yummy, delicious.

  14. Congratulations! I withdrew early in the game as I've been chugging along too slowly lately but I figure that just means my challenge continues all the time!



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