Sunday, July 01, 2007

Bella blooms

Perhaps having a head cold helped--I didn't find the Titan Arum to be near as stinky as I'd expected it to be.


  1. But to a fly lookin' for a corpse, I bet it smelled lovely and inviting.

  2. What was inside? I kept seeing people taking pictures of the base of the middle on the live feed you led us to. Very curious, but not so smelly on webcam. :)

  3. The 3rd picture is the one my daughter took attempting to lean down into it (those who got that close said it smelled like dead mice). I don't know if anyone got a shot that went much further down inside than that unless greenhouse staff decide to take one.

    I took a shot of the outside of the base, but my husband didn't think it was worth posting. Maybe it'll open up more in a day or two. . .

  4. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Why does this flower totally creep me out and I can't even smell it...

  5. Am I the only one who finds this flower looks ... suggestive?

    And how big is it? *Eyes wide*

  6. It's five feet tall.

  7. These are great photos. Maybe it will smell stronger in a few days. My orchids always smell more after they have been open for a while. Very neat!

  8. Are you kiddin' I smell it all the way to Mississippi! Oh, maybe that's roadkill? :P

  9. Dark Orpheus took the words right out of my -- er, -- right out of my mouth.

  10. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Whoa, that's one big stinky flower. The photos however, are not stinky at all. They are quite nice :)

  11. Anonymous12:10 AM

    It's beautiful, in an obscene sort of way. I'm reminded of Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors. Thank god computers don't have olfactory capabilities yet!


Happy MLK Jr. Day!

This morning I took our senior cat Charlie to the vet for his monthly arthritis shot. L. ordered an induction range (on sale!) for our retir...